Department of Immunology

Shannon Liudahl, PhD

Shannon Liudahl, Postdoctoral Scholar, Fred Hutch

Year Joined: 2019
UW Box: 358059
Lab: Headley Lab
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Activities and Interests

Cooking, hiking, yoga, reading & searching for Seattle’s best Mexican food

Advice from me

Seattle has a fantastic, very collaborative research community. I have loved doing immunology research here so far and would highly recommend graduate or postdoctoral training here.

More about me

Conventional dendritic cells (cDCs) are essential for immune surveillance of the lung and are critical for limiting lung metastasis, the spread of cancer from distant sites to lung. My research is focused on identifying fundamental mechanisms and spatiotemporal dynamics of tumor antigen uptake by cDCs during lung metastasis. The overall goal of my work is to shed light on basic cDC functions that will inform how we might therapeutically boost cDC-mediated tumor control in the future.